Our Services

It’s more important than ever for organizations to take action to deliver a better world. We’re here to partner with you at every stage, from concept to design and delivery.

Our Strategy

The goal of our Sustainable Legacies strategy is straightforward: to ensure that the way we run our business, and the work we do in partnership with our clients, leaves a positive, lasting impact for communities and our planet.

A drone in the evening sky
Our work
Originally published in April 2021

Drones reducing flood risk for Navajo Housing Authority units

We provided the Navajo Housing Authority with a cost-effective solution to assessing flood risk, incorporating innovative technologies that sped up the project and reduced costs

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Protecting life, property, and sustainable communities from flood hazards

We provided the Navajo Housing Authority with a cost-effective solution to assessing flood risk, incorporating innovative technologies that sped up the project and reduced costs.

Our team conducted a flood hazard study and provided alternatives for remediating flood hazards affecting the Navajo Housing Authority (NHA) subdivision in Crownpoint, New Mexico.

Operating under a limited budget and fast 90-day project schedule, our team utilized drone data technology and a complex two-dimensional rainfall runoff model to map the floodplain in unique project area topography. We met constraining project conditions while pioneering drone technology to assess the flood risks to the Navajo Nation.

Sustaining an Indigenous future

The results are a benchmark for innovation in data collection regarding flood hazard mitigation and demonstrate the potential of drone technologies to address unique needs for mitigating flood hazards for NHA housing units.

Our work supports the NHA’s role in protecting life and property and its vision of housing the Navajo Nation by growing sustainable communities.
