Greater Manchester has set a net zero target date of 2038. We are partnering across numerous social infrastructure commissions which are already delivering the pathway and projects to help achieve this. It’s an ambitious program across a geography extending to an area of 600 square miles and administered through 10 distinctive metropolitan districts. All have physical identities and communities which bring character and special qualities to the City Region as a whole.
This is the City Region where the industrial revolution began with vigor, the aging building stock and infrastructure needs constant upgrade. Redevelopment post-1945 saw many of the 40 independent town centers transform through car dependence and depopulation of high street cores. Construction in the post war period is notorious for poor energy performance and our challenge in the 21st century is stitching this fabric together with economic and social purpose and doing so while delivering on the all-important net zero targets. In this context, adapting and retrofitting existing buildings is where big challenges lie, and the public sector is taking a lead role in this. In Manchester we have reach across strategic advice, framing delivery and specific projects including the revolutionary Energy House 2 at Salford University.
The UK Government's Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has commissioned six national pilot studies, including with AECOM in Greater Manchester (GM). The project focus is heat decarbonization identifying projects and initiatives to meet zero carbon targets. Recognizing that Manchester has set a target 12 years in advance of the national 2050 ambition, the project has needed to identify interventions and funding/ delivery mechanisms that are immediate but which can be replicated across the UK.
Through BEIS, we are working with the Greater Manchester Combined Authority to deliver heat decarbonization across all 10 Local Authorities. Work involves identification of retrofit and fuel-switching opportunities in social housing, schools and Local Authority estate as well as strategic district heating networks to help the region achieve net zero carbon by 2038.
UK Government Department for Buildings, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS)
- Overall project management
Bespoke technical sustainability services including:
- Stakeholder engagement
- Literature review
- Analysis of heat energy data
- Techno-economic modeling
- Geographic information system (GIS) mapping