At AECOM, we believe infrastructure creates opportunity for everyone.


At AECOM, we believe infrastructure creates opportunity for everyone.

River of Life Master Plan

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

A key factor in the creation of livable cities is the establishment of great places. These become focal points to bring people together to live, work, celebrate, create, and exchange while allowing nature to thrive and local economies to flourish.

The Klang River lies along the most densely populated area of Kuala Lumpur and suffers from considerable pollution. As a result of heavy development along the river bank, the river has been straightened which intensifies flooding during storm seasons.

The river is also at the center of the lives of Kuala Lumpur's citizens. The city has put significant effort into initiatives to clean up and redevelop the area, but a solution to ensure the sustainable development of the river in partnership with the city was missing.

In 2012, Kuala Lumpur City Hall launched the River of Life project to reconnect the city, the river and her people, River of Life is one of the Malaysia government’s Economic Transformation Programs, an initiative which combines high-impact projects and programs to elevate the country to developed nation status.

We were selected as the master planner to rejuvenate and revitalize the Klang River and surrounding areas after winning an international design competition.

The aim of our master plan was to rejuvenate the Klang River and surrounding neighborhoods of Kuala Lumpur and bring its people back to the riverfront. Our plan encompassed river cleaning, river master planning and beautification and the evaluation of private sector investment options for riverside development.

The master plan advocates a holistic approach by connecting, activating, regenerating and enlivening the Malaysian people and visitors alike to maximize social and economic potential along the 10.7 km waterfront corridor. The goal was to expand the influence of the river improvements into the immediate surrounding areas, acting as a catalyst for long term development in the region and making Kuala Lumpur one of the world's most livable cities.

We also provided a strategic framework of urban and landscape design guidelines to promote cohesive future developments in the entire Klang Valley region.

The River of Life project will deliver affordable housing for more than 35,000 new residents, one million square meters of commercial space, more than 27,000 new employment opportunities, raise the public transportation usage within the master plan area from 15 per cent to 60 per cent and reduce traffic demand by 15 per cent.


Kuala Lumpur City Hall


  • Master planning
  • Landscape architecture
  • Urban design
  • Economics
  • Environmental and ecological planning
  • Water and urban development
  • Transportation
  • Cost management,
  • Mechanical and electrical engineering
  • Site supervision