
Equity, diversity and inclusion are core to our vision - a world where infrastructure creates opportunity for everyone.

A look at life inside AECOM

At AECOM, we believe infrastructure creates opportunity for everyone.

Innovation & Digital

Our technical experts and visionaries harness the power of technology to deliver transformative outcomes.


At AECOM, we believe infrastructure creates opportunity for everyone.

Innovation & Digital

Our technical experts and visionaries harness the power of technology to deliver transformative outcomes.


Campbeltown Flood Protection Scheme and Surface Water Management Plan

Campbeltown, Scotland, UK

Following a detailed analysis of economic, social and environmental factors, we’ve worked with the client to produce a flood study to understand and quantify flood risk for Campbeltown and protect its community from the increasing threat of flooding.

A review of historic information indicated Campbeltown was at risk of flooding from multiple sources. To tackle this, we used our ICM skills to build a 1D-2D linked integrated catchment model of watercourses, drainage network, direct rainfall and tidal interaction, which enabled us to design a holistic flood scheme and appraise options to manage both fluvial and pluvial flood risks simultaneously.

The project included the development and appraisal of options and selection of a preferred option for promotion, design and construction. A robust optioneering exercise was undertaken and over 30 potential options were developed, with feasibility assessments used to shortlist options. Stakeholder engagement was a significant part of this process, with SEPA, Scottish Water and Scottish National Heritage consulted at multiple stages. We also delivered extensive public consultation and early landowner engagement. A full options appraisal, including economic, social and environmental assessments, was carried out which informed the selection of a preferred solution comprising of upstream storage, culvert upgrade, SuDS retrofit and Property level Flood Protection (PFP).