
Equity, diversity and inclusion are core to our vision - a world where infrastructure creates opportunity for everyone.

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At AECOM, we believe infrastructure creates opportunity for everyone.

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At AECOM, we believe infrastructure creates opportunity for everyone.

Innovation & Digital

Our technical experts and visionaries harness the power of technology to deliver transformative outcomes.


Glasgow South East Surface Water Management Plan

Scotland, UK

Working with Glasgow City Council, we’ve helped manage surface water flooding in South East Glasgow by integrating a range of sustainable drainage features into the city. From daylighting culverted watercourses to retrofitting SuDS, the scheme aims to deliver wider benefits to local communities through the creation of amenity space and improved ecology.

South East Glasgow has been extensively developed and suffers from historical flooding due to the limited drainage capacity in the historical combined sewer system.

We’ve developed a number of sustainable drainage features that will reduce flood risk in the area through the reduction of flows to the sewer system, including the construction of multiple SuDS attenuation basins, daylighting a section of culverted watercourse, retrofitting SuDS into a primary school and introducing raingardens along a one kilometre stretch of residential avenue.

The SuDS basins manage surface water runoff while seamlessly integrating with local biodiversity, ecology and landscape. A new woodland walkway has been developed and sections of daylighted burn featuring pools and cascades.

The retrofit of SuDS into the school was a pilot project to remove surface water flows from the combined sewer within the Glasgow City Council estate. The scheme included an external amphitheatre as an outdoor learning space which is also used for emergency stormwater storage, a sports pitch with surface water attenuation below and the provision of SuDS treatment features.

Funded by Glasgow City Region City Deal via the Metropolitan Glasgow Strategic Drainage Partnership (MGSDP), our client Glasgow City Council is proactively working in partnership with key stakeholders to deliver a programme of schemes to ‘sustainably drain Glasgow’ targeting areas across the city where rainfall adversely impacts communities.