
Equity, diversity and inclusion are core to our vision - a world where infrastructure creates opportunity for everyone.

A look at life inside AECOM

At AECOM, we believe infrastructure creates opportunity for everyone.

Innovation & Digital

Our technical experts and visionaries harness the power of technology to deliver transformative outcomes.


At AECOM, we believe infrastructure creates opportunity for everyone.

Innovation & Digital

Our technical experts and visionaries harness the power of technology to deliver transformative outcomes.


Jersey Shoreline Management Plan


Jersey Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) aimed to assess and manage the risks of flooding and coastal erosion on the island for the next century.

With a focus on sustainability and the goal of net zero carbon by 2030, the SMP provides a practical, long-term approach to shoreline management. AECOM provided comprehensive services including flood mapping, coastal modelling, erosion risk assessment, stakeholder engagement and scheme design.

Assessing Risks and Providing Evidence

Our in-house coastal modelling team utilised state-of-the-art software and techniques to develop the first Island-wide flood maps for coastal and pluvial flooding. By meticulously modelling waves, extreme water levels, and assessing probabilities, we identified critical risk areas such as St Aubin's Bay and Havre des Pas. We also employed ‘Tuflow’ models to simulate inland risks of flooding from pluvial and fluvial sources. Erosion risk mapping and assessment supported the development of effective management approaches. Our data-driven approach provided robust evidence to inform decision-making and policy recommendations.

Developing the Plan

To address the diverse requirements of different areas, we divided the entire coastline into six Coastal Management Areas and 36 Coastal Management Units. By carefully considering four policy options for each unit and evaluating their merits against the SMP objectives, we identified preferred policies that effectively balanced the needs of the community, environment, and economy. Our coastal engineers conducted baseline studies and comprehensive surveys to assess the condition of coastal defences, providing valuable insights for planning and maintenance prioritisation.

Engaging Stakeholders

Stakeholder engagement was a vital aspect of the SMP. We implemented an extensive programme, engaging government ministers, key stakeholders, and the public. Outdoor consultation events, presentations, and school engagements garnered substantial support for the draft plan. We incorporated stakeholder feedback, resulting in minor updates and refinements to the preferred policies. Our commitment to inclusive engagement ensured that the final SMP aligned with the aspirations and requirements of the community.

Adding Value and Delivering Results Throughout the project, we went beyond the scope of work to deliver added value and social benefits. We actively promoted coastal engineering as a potential career option to school children, aiming to educate and inspire them. Additionally, we conducted a high-level analysis of the financial services sector within St Helier to assess flood risk impacts, offering a more comprehensive understanding of the benefits of the SMP. The project was delivered on time and within budget, with our accomplished in-house multidisciplinary team handling all aspects. The success of the SMP project led to a glowing recommendation from Jamie Mason, the Project Manager for the Jersey SMP, who praised our ‘capable, focused, and driven team’.

Our involvement in the Jersey Shoreline Management Plan exemplifies our commitment to providing comprehensive and sustainable solutions for coastal risk management. Through our expertise in flood mapping, coastal modelling, erosion risk assessment, stakeholder engagement, and policy setting, we facilitated the development of a practical, long-term approach to managing the island's shoreline. The SMP's success lays a solid foundation for the protection of Jersey's coastline from flooding and erosion for years to come.

Related Projects

    • Jersey South West St Hellier Waterfront Coastal Design and Flood Risk Assessment

    • Coastal Processes Study for the Allerdale Coast

    • Designing the Coverack North Coast Protection Scheme