Jönköpings airport, which is owned by the municipality of Jönköping, is located in the centre of southern Sweden.

Our client manages the environmental liabilities for the non- Swedavia owned airport and identified that PFAS-containing foams had been used within the fire training area of the airport on concrete pads.

We investigated the soil and groundwater quality within the fire training area, sampling water from various sites, including a nearby lake and its fish. We then delineated groundwater concentrations, assessing whether the concrete pads and drainage in the fire training area were acting as secondary sources with residual PFAS. We also sampled numerous private wells adjacent to summer houses on the shore of the lake, which involved liaison with the owners, the client and third party stakeholders.

Our strategy will assist the airport and local fire departments to begin using the fire training area again while minimising the potential risks to the lake (northeast of the airport), nature reserve (to the west and southwest of the airport) and various streams/ditches around the site connecting up to the lake and nature reserve.