Becoming energy resilient

Becoming energy resilient

Hear how Toronto is enhancing energy resilience and reducing future energy demand for their transportation networks, watch now


This episode delves into the strategies employed to enhance energy resilience and reduce future energy demand. Todd from the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) outlines the airport's multifaceted approach, leveraging redundancy in utility feeds, a cogeneration facility, and embarking on a hydrogen strategy to meet growing energy demands sustainably.

Toronto Pearson's extensive infrastructure, including a cogeneration facility and multiple utility feeds, provides a robust foundation for energy resilience. However, recognizing the need for additional resiliency and green energy solutions, the airport is pioneering a hydrogen strategy. Construction of a hydrogen fill station is underway, aiming to introduce hydrogen-powered vehicles into the airport's fleet and serve the broader public. Moreover, Toronto Pearson is exploring the potential to become a hydrogen hub, capitalizing on its strategic location and strong industrial presence to support the hydrogen economy.

Felix from the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) echoes the enthusiasm for hydrogen as an emerging technology, highlighting collaborative efforts with Metrolinx to explore hydrogen-fueled buses. The MTO is also investigating the feasibility of hydrogen trains and actively supporting hydrogen innovation to foster the development of a hydrogen economy.

Metrolinx emphasizes the organization's commitment to ambitious greenhouse gas reduction targets and energy efficiency measures. By incorporating LED lighting, solar panels, and co-generation systems in stations and facilities, Metrolinx aims to reduce energy consumption while transitioning to electrified operations for a sustainable future.

The conversation underscores the importance of balancing clean energy generation with demand reduction strategies. Both GTAA and Metrolinx emphasize the necessity of adopting innovative solutions to meet evolving energy needs while minimizing environmental impact. By embracing hydrogen technology and implementing energy-efficient practices, these organizations are driving transformative change towards a greener, more resilient energy landscape in Greater Toronto and beyond.

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