The decarb challenge

The decarb challenge

Hear more on the multifaceted decarbonization challenge and the solutions Toronto leaders are delivering, watch now.


This episode delves into the challenges faced by key stakeholders in Toronto's transportation sector regarding decarbonization efforts. Metrolinx highlights the technological challenges, particularly in electrification and increasing train frequencies, necessary for enhancing service reliability and convenience. To address these challenges, Metrolinx has sought expertise from international players and leveraged innovative technologies such as European train control standards (ETCS).

Felix, representing the Ministry of Transportation (MTO), identifies a significant challenge in shifting public perception and behavior towards using public transit, exacerbated by the pandemic-induced changes in mobility patterns. He emphasizes the importance of making public transit more accessible and convenient to encourage modal shifts. Anecdotal evidence suggests that improving accessibility and convenience can successfully change individuals' attitudes towards public transit.

Transitioning to Todd from the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA), the focus shifts to the electrification challenge faced by the airport. With the increasing demand for electricity to support facility expansions and greener initiatives like electric vehicle charging, managing electricity supply, ensuring its green sourcing, and maintaining resilience in energy supply emerge as critical challenges.

Check out this episode that underscores the multifaceted nature of challenges in decarbonization and there's a shared commitment among stakeholders to overcome obstacles and advance towards a more sustainable transportation future for Toronto.

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