Banking on Turkey’s resilience
İller Bankasi (Ilbank) is Turkey’s state-owned development bank that provides investment to municipalities and utilities to develop or rehabilitate their infrastructure. Ilbank sought to strengthen its staff’s knowledge of resilient infrastructure and how to screen projects for climate and disaster risks and mitigate these through resilience solutions.
Strengthening and growing İlbank’s infrastructure investment
İller Bankasi (İİlbank) is Turkey’s state-owned development bank that provides investment to municipalities and utilities to develop or rehabilitate their infrastructure. İlbank sought to strengthen its staff’s knowledge of resilient infrastructure and how to screen projects for climate and disaster risks and mitigate these through resilience solutions.
As part of World Bank’s lending program in Turkey to advance the sustainable development of urban infrastructure, we developed a guidance note with tools for the bank employees to incorporate climate and disaster resilience into their projects.
Trained up for resilience and growth
We proposed a set of best practice solutions for the water and transport sector to improve the resilience of existing and planned infrastructure, including technical, managerial, and cost-benefit information. We also provided key recommendations for scaling up resilient infrastructure investments in İlbank, both at the project and corporate level, considering technical, institutional, policy and capacity-related aspects.
To help deliver the content, we created five training modules to present the guidance note in a succinct and user-friendly format. Initially tailored as an in-person training, we adapted at short notice to online multimedia training modules in both Turkish and English for 70 İlbank staff during the coronavirus pandemic restrictions.
Personalized, repeatable guidance
Our global expertise in climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, local governance and urban service delivery, environmental planning, as well as risk and vulnerability assessments are all reflected in this step-by-step guidance note and training to provide infrastructure experts with a holistic approach. We worked closely with İlbank to ensure our solutions were tailored to appropriately meet its employees’ working styles, ensuring the material can be applied in future capacity development activities.