Why virtual consultation is more inclusive
Our Virtual Consultation Room is fostering broader, more inclusive community engagement

No travel, no paper, nobody left out: web-based community engagement
Public consultation so often consists of in-person meetings, which can leave many residents out of the engagement process. In response, we created our Virtual Consultation Room, an interactive web-based tool to make community engagement more accessible and resilient.
By supporting online consultations, which stakeholders can access from their computer or mobile device, it allows clients to engage with a wider audience more easily, increasing the inclusivity of public consultation.
Visual, interactive, two-way communication
The Virtual Consultation Room enables virtual events to be personalized. Consultation materials can be animated using virtual reality and sound demonstrations, videos, maps, plans and pop-up banners. The tool allows for instant feedback so public reaction can be captured and saved for analysis and accurate reporting. There is also a chat function so on-hand experts can remotely answer questions as visitors look around the materials, similar to what would take place during an in-person event.
Participants, not bystanders
The use of digital engagement enables stakeholders and communities to understand proposals, enabling them to provide an informed response and participate in the consultation process. The Virtual Consultation Room has the potential to reach a wider audience, with more widespread buy-in for major infrastructure projects. This remote approach to stakeholder engagement provides our clients and partners with a resilient solution to any consultation process.
Explore our Virtual Consultation Room for yourself. Click here to learn more about the tool, and experience it in action.